团队专业人员 • KLINKISCH Jacob

Practice areas
Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation
Trademark and DM procedures
European Patent Attorney | French Industrial Property Attorney European | German Patent Attorney | Trademark and Design Attorney | UPC Representative
An engineer by training, Jacob KLINKISCH joined LAVOIX in 2011 after 8 years of experience in two German Industrial Property firms. He has been a partner since 2017.
Technology areas
Professional experience
Jacob is a specialist in inventions implemented by computer, in particular in the field of virtual machines and Internet security. He acquired advanced expertise in telecommunications, medical imaging and portable electronic devices, and also regularly works for clients in the field of automotive components and medical devices. He represents clients in proceedings before the offices and courts such as prosecuting patent applications, opposition proceedings and appeal proceedings at the EPO (European Patent Office) and the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office),as well as before the German federal patent court (for example, for cancellation or on appeal). He also advises clients in case of disputes and on aspects of remuneration for inventors employed in Germany.
Finally, he files designs with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the DPMA. Jacob has the double qualification, namely CPI (Conseil en Propriété Industrielle – French Industrial Property Attorney) and “Patentanwalt” (Patent attorney) in Germany.